Sunday, October 12, 2008


Brave shallow night
Hiding behind your night light
Fluorescent bulbs, blazing day
Can't touch me, better pray
Cause I'm the dark
Because I'm the un-drone
Never speaking, never known
Encased in the self-reliant
Wielding the love-fast defiant
Cause I'm the free

Because I make the rules
Made with impossibility tools
Hammered out for eternity
Always and forever serenity
Cause I'm the white
Because I'm the creation
Forever leading, forever reason
Built to bleed but never out
Made from broken doubt
Cause I'm the true

One and One make One
One cannot die
One cannot live
One is here for eternity
One is dying and reincarnated 
One sleeps
One dreams
One knows
One answers
One toys
One gets to the point
One slays
One prays
One feels
One un-feels
One and One makes One
And together
We are

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